All Big Nations Will Divide Into Many Smaller Nations After The COVID Pandemic End

Since ancient time till today, humanity and this civilization have seen many life changing events. The COVID pandemic is one of them and probably the most important one because the final outcome will be decided by the immortal beings, not by any mortal humans.

The society, government structure must change because: – The duty of demi-gods/deities have ended. – The current national government are no longer work and function with purpose of helping people. – Level of abusive power, corruption on all nations are too high because too many people. – People are treating politician like a “making money” job rather than a mission to support other people. And most of them do not care about the public, but only make law/decision based on their wanted rather than what the whole society need. Example: – Authority want to replace motorbike for car in a congest cities. – Replacing traditional markets for mall in 3rd world country. – Remove coal, nuclear energy for the “environment” and let people die because lack of energy. The list are endless…

All nations with minimum more than 0.5% to 1% of the world population will vanish and will divide into many smaller nations. That’s in term of economy, law makers, while in term of military security that current nations still may active and remain.

That is necessary for new era on Earth since the next phase of this civilization will be much more dangerous since it require people dig deeper into Earth core planet, and the “corruption” cannot be allowed for it involved in too much security.

So all nations such as the USA, Russia, China, India, Brazil, etc. will be vanished and become the history after the COVID pandemic end.

Sound crazy? But that is the must for this civilization to evolve and human development ascension occur. There is no other choice !

Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

The Only Solution For Energy Crisis Is Get Back With Nature Using Your Mindset

There is no real energy crisis because humanity have survived for many thousand years before the appear of electric. What so called crisis on the media is just the “convenient” life.

What are the oil, gas, electric do/help in life?

  1. Cooking.
  2. Change room temperature to keep warm or cool.
  3. Transport.

They are the primary jobs of those “energy”.

The fact is that all of them already have alternative if you use your mind to think.

  1. Cooking You can use wood, charcoal to cook.

  2. Change room temperature Build house underground so you can always have comfortable temperature all year round. You will feel warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Another method changing building material to made-in-nature ingredients such as clay, hempcrete, bamboo.

If you just want to keep your body warm, you can just only read wear jacket, blanket that filled with potato, nuts.

  1. Transport You can use bicycle or public transport. If you are truly love nature you can use horse like ancient time to move around.

The major problem nowadays is all nations still operating like a tribe/team/group and are still control the public people too much. The entire economic financial system is not yet fully completely.

Chasing for more energy via renewable energy is not the solution because the population always grow, and there are always greatly nature disaster that can destroy all those devices. It is similar to the story of make more money to spend without thought vs control, use money wisely with the money you have in hand.

The only solution to end the energy crisis is using your mindset to use “energy” more wisely by get back with nature and using made-in-nature products/ingredients.

If the authority/government cannot help the people, they better disband so smaller government and truly people can do the job. What is the point of “saving environment” but “let the people die” by shutdown coal mine? Crazy freaking idiots !

Best Regard. The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Potato Blanket, Potato Bed, Potato Jacket Will Keep You Warm In The Cold Winter

Do not waste money, energy on air conditioner or heat machine. The most cost effective solution is using raw foods such as potato, chestnut, walnut as your wearing clothes to keep you warm in the cold winter.

It might sound crazy, but it is freaking work ! With just only about 20 kilogram of raw potatoes filled in a blanket, you would never ever need any machine in cold winter.

You can also put many potatoes under your bed to keep you warm too.

It is brand new ideas but you should try it. First you need an empty blanket, then you buy many bag of potatoes then put in that blanket. Finally, you just wear and put that blanket to cover your body. The result will be amazing.

It is such stupid to using machine to keep warm instead of using natural ingredients. Oil, gas only designed for stupid people with low level mindset !

Potatoes will solve the energy crisis in Europe or any other cold places, mark my words !

Give it a try and you won’t be disappointed !

Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha