Given the recent post on videogames on this "videogame"/nerd culture sub and that we already have a book club going on, I was wondering how many people here would be down to do a videogame club in the same fashion. I also have more free time now that my main game is giving away free pride related shit that I don't want in my inventory lol.

We could give people a month to play through the videogame or have weekly discussions if the game is chapter-based. Feel free to list the videogames that you would want us to play and we can have another polling post to choose the most voted videogame.

And if the cost is an issue, there is always the high seas.

Possible Videogames:

  • Dishonored 1
  • Dead Space 1, 2
  • Elder Ring
  • Portal
  • Half Life
  • Witcher

Some of you may know how much I bitch about my home state, but now it might time to get the fuck out of this state.

With Gavin Newson winning the recall election and the vaccine/mask mandates getting ever closer to home, I have been seriously contemplating moving out-of-state to any non-blue state (or even out-of-country). I am the only person in my entire family and friend group to not give in to the vaccine and a part of the few who will openly not wear a mask unless forced to do so. I am also pretty sure that my current company will soon enforce the vaccine so I have been looking for remote software work on the side. So there is nothing much keeping me here in California.

But I also know that other states that are currently anti-left could change their politics due to changing demographics, shitty governors, etc. So one could argue to stay here in California, find like-minded folks, and fight as long as I can until I die standing for my beliefs. I live in a very blue part of California, so I could also look into moving into a more red part of the state to maintain my sanity.

If people here think the leftist cancer will spread to red states, then I might as well hunker down here in California and make the best of it, but if there are bastions of sanity in other states, then I should make a game plan and try my luck there while I have no major responsibilities tying me to California.

And no, I won't be voting for leftist policies that destroyed California so suggest your current state if it is based.


I've always thought that starting a family would be inevitable because that's what happened with my parents and their parents etc. But given current events (and honestly events that happened before my mom popped me out), trying to start a normal family free from the leftists' tentacles is near impossible. It seems that the only way to start (and maintain) a nuclear family right now in the US is to:

  1. Play along with leftist propaganda and play to the whims of your lefty wife else she takes more than the kids.
  2. Become a tradcuck, convert to christianity, move to the rural part of a red state. And both options still leave you vulnerable to the state courts if she wants to divorce for any reason.

Personally, I still want to entertain the idea of a wife and kids. Maybe it's just human nature that I am in denial and MGTOW is the way to go for generations to come. It also doesn't help that I'm currently stuck in Commiefornia where lockdowns are still a thing and everyone I know drank the Democratic kool-aid. So my irl options are limited. I also don't want to use online dating as pretty sure 99% that I am going to match someone who will be a lefty believer. I'm curious what this sub thinks on this topic as it seems that there is mix of MGTOWs and those who are married and have kids.


Given that the left has seemly taken over literally every aspect of entertainment, education, and work in Western countries like the US and Britain, are there any countries left that are not pozzed? From my observations on the internet, it seems that the only countries that are not pozzed are either 3rd world countries or countries with a history of communism rule like Poland.

I am genuinely considering options on where to emigrate to as it really does seem like I have to move to some rural place in the middle of nowhere if I want to raise a normal kid and enjoy my hobbies here in the US.