Hey everyone! Work is coming along great on the project and I am happy to report that I will be interviewing a couple of third-party trolls. One of the individuals is Teridax, who bribed children online to send death threats to Zoe Quinn and blame GamerGate. He also tweeted a picture of a gun at Brianna Wu, which was then mass reported by GamerGate supporters. He also claimed on IRC to have doxed Acid Man (GamerGateHQ Board Owner), though he now says that he probably didn’t actually do it and was just “trying to piss him off.”

Teridax also trolled the GamerGate live-streaming community and almost got Lord Nurgle (pro-GG) and Helicopter Guy’s (anti-GG) channels banned with community guidelines strikes through shouting the n-word on stream (against YouTube TOS). In both aforementioned cases, the Hangout link was leaked which led him gaining access to calls he wasn’t invited to. Teridax says that he had done that sort of thing “dozens of times” back then. In GamerGhazi he admitted to fucking with one of a GamerGate boards on 8chan, but also says that he didn’t have enough permissions to do any serious harm and that his role was exaggerated.

The other third party troll I’m interviewing is a bit of a different case. Unlike Teridax, this other guy didn’t even know what GamerGate was. He says that he was a 14 year old kid who didn’t like social justice warriors, because they had told him that he couldn’t use the n-word online. Because of his frustration at being unable to say the n-word, he and his friends decided to troll so-called “social justice warriors” online by sending them death threats, gore photos and “mean messages.” They even had a private group chat online where they would discuss who they should go after next. Today he is an adult and says that he doesn’t do that stuff anymore, he just thought it was funny as a kid. This individual says that they didn’t know what GamerGate was even at the time and their only interactions with GamerGate supporters were when the GamerGate Anti-Harassment Patrol got several of his accounts banned. He did not like that the GamerGate people stopped him, but otherwise reports not knowing anything about GamerGate until years later.

Any interesting question you would want to ask the third-party trolls?


Sadly I lost most of my old files and videos over the years (long story, but I definitely a mistake on my part). If anyone has audio or video of these two events, or the in-person GamerGate debate in Saint Louis from 2018, please reach out to me. Thank you.