SophiatheCopt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your children can already be taken away now, I know because for three years mine were legally kidnapped all because I told one doctor I wanted a second opinion, a doctor that I advocated to my child's pediatrician to see because my child was sick. I am on Medicaid for insurance and all the doctors I see work for the state some of them are disgusting and corrupt some of them are actually decent. I got a corrupt one as a specialist.

They make big bucks off your kids even more when they diagnose them with a mental illness and put them on medication to be docile. They took my third child who was born after my second one was taken (my first was taken with my second because she was in the home when the "abuse" happened) two days after her birth then claimed I was running and hiding the baby. They were pissed because they didn't take her right at birth, I had her at a midwife, and that I went to another county (was visiting my father who had cancer and was going to spend my maternity leave there with him). Mind you they had an internal memo on me called a Logan Staffing so that when the baby was born they would take her asap, so how did I hide the pregnancy (?) also the main reason they took her is because of a loophole we just lost our court case (family court is a old boys club and all decisions are made before you even step foot into it) and hadn't agreed to a reunification plan yet in that week in between losing the case and signing the plan I went i to labor and had the baby.

It took me another year to get all three back after bowing down and worshiping at their feet and letting them do whatever they wished to me and my children then I was allowed to get them back. I have severe ptsd from the entire experience and it was one of the contributing factors in when I attempted suicide in 2018.

My fourth child was born but we were working on the reunification plan so they couldn't take her. The first month of her time on this earth I spent in a paranoid state, every little knock or police siren I heard set me off thinking she was about to be taken.

One of the reasons everything was pushed down on me and I was broken into submission is when the report was first made I knew the law but had no money for a good lawyer to back me up, I was assigned a state lawyer who did nothing but the bare minimum. Another reason is if you fight back they will come down harder on you and make sure you know to be submissive.

All the while this happened to me, I am 100% innocent before God of any wrongdoings, a man named Gary Lindsey killed four children Dove Lindsey, Aidan Lindsey, Lillia Pluth, and Irayan Pluth, two were his two were step children. And DCF said they couldn't do a single thing, yet the woman who was with Gary at the time wanted to get him baker acted yet failed to show up for court, that right there is an excuse enough for a welfare check which was never done.

The government is busy taking more profitable children, the government is involved in legal human trafficking of children. It isn't a when it is a now.

by Sanako
SophiatheCopt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have two NES both work but only one set of wires for one of them. One was mine as a kid and one was my grandma's.