Throw any that you like out there, be it gaming, cooking, hardware, or just somebody behind a camera.

They can be based or nonpolitical, if you so wish. Heck, maybe there are woke youtubers whose content you still like.

If you don't like Youtube, then maybe give me creators from other sites, like Bitchute.


I'm having a problem: I think I'm slowly becoming a man with no taste. Now what's better than gaining taste than by stealing it?

I want to know what you guys recommend off the top of your heads.


The subreddits shit now, so I was looking for any new places. /a/ is okay, but only when new chapters come out. Funny that I only used the subreddit for new chapters.

Something I want is similar to how r/freemagic is to r/magicTCG.

Btw, do you think there's a strong sjw influence in the Jojo fandom? Maybe it's a "normie" anime/manga, so people are ripe to be controlled. Or maybe most communities are shit instead, and just being a fan without talking to other people is enough.

2nd btw, but how shit do you think the fans are gonna be when Stone Ocean gets animated?


I saw it on TheDonald.win, but I can't find it now.

It was a comparison image between 1984 and Brave New World, saying that the times we are in are more like the latter than the former. It interested me due to the idea of not "we can't fight back" and more "why would we fight back."

Anyway, it would helpful if someone shared me the image. Btw, I guess this could be a Brave New World thread. Gotta love dystopian stories.


I've been lurking for a while, but I finally have a topic to talk about.

Recently, Mtg has been burning down for the past couple of days due to the new Secret Lair. Usually it was just reprints with a new wacky twist, but is now actually new cards that are NOT from Mtg, but from The Walking Dead. Everyone's pissed, from it being new cards in a limited product to the addition of non-Mtg properties to Magic. This isn't the first time there were non-Mtg cards made, but those were silver-border(non legal cards made for fun times).

That sucked, but what really made me post was reading a post about how some PlayEDH group banned the Negan card not for its stupid concept, but because it depicted a rapist in the artwork. A fictional rapist in the artwork. They were near on the mark and they missed it by a mile. Considering this is Mtg, there are plenty of characters that have done way worse things than rape that are depicted on cards. This reminds of when WOTC did the "racist" card bans in June.

Here's the post I saw: https://archive.vn/LVTYV

What I'm trying to say is that everything is boring and broken now. I've played this game for 7 years now, and the first 6 were pretty alright. Now it feels like the game sucks, the story sucks, and the players sucks. Maybe I spent too much time on the subreddit, maybe I though that I could weather WOTC being woke, maybe I got too attached to a bad portion of the game. All this seems like something fun just got ruined, even if the ruin started years ago.

What I came here for is to look for an avenue to talk to other people about something I cherish, or cherished, very deep in my heart. What are other Mtg players' thoughts about all this? If there are no players here, then what are the general observances of the people here?