The show is constantly shifting to the left. And the girl power thing is definitely the motor of the show now. But I can't help but love William Zabka and his "Archie bunkering" take on Johnny Lawrence. Also I do enjoy that the show will show the Larussos being kinda douchey from time to time.
Can anyone think of any games with significant ties to Christmas? All I can think of is Toy Day with Animal Crossing.
So according to the early reviews critics seem to like that the movie is gay. I didn't see any mention of plot, story, character, etc. It was just super gay and inclusive. Shills are shilling.
I know it's just a trailer but I felt it hit a lot of notes and looked like the games. Everything except for the casting, I don't like Tom Holland for Drake or Wahlberg for Sully.
Why does every article about him and his murderous attacks mention him crying during his bail hearing? Do I care if he is crying? No I do not.
So let me get this straight Rock can't let Vin Diesel up him up in a fight but he's okay with Gal Gadot easily kicking his ass?