Most of the movie is pretty boring. The first 45 minutes were almost a Terrence Malilick movie. There were a couple cool scenes with the Predator fighting a wolf and a bear. Around the 45 minute mark the Predator starts killing the natives. The fight choreography between the natives and the Predator are good. The French trappers are basically cartoon cannon fodder.

You probably want to hear if the main character is a Mary Sue woke sjw dream? The answer is sort of? She fails a lot and has to work for what she has. They do make her a bigger physical threat than she realistic would have been. So she was a little OP but I've seen worse.

Oh, the Predator looks like shit. He looks like an elite from the Halo tv show.


I was talking to a buddy recently and he was telling me a story his kid made up about how the world was made. It made me think of hearing about an Aboriginal belief that they had to write down the name of everything in creation every year or it would disappear. Now I can't remember the exact story so I tried googling it and I'm finding nothing about it online. Am I wrong about the myth or just googling badly?


Do you guys like or dislike that Nintendo doesn't have an Achievements or Trophies system? I am playing Lego Jurassic World and the lack of it is kind of bringing me down.


Have you guys seen the trailer for Stallone's movie coming out on Prime Samaritan? Looks pretty good.


The Gray Man has some good action pieces and doesn't try to overthink it's plot. No over complicated backstories or significant character setups. The movie does have some strong wahmen sjw nonsense though. Every woman is uber capable and fighting men twice her size. Gosling even has a line where he says to De Armas maybe you'll get into trouble and I'll get to save you after she saves him multiple times.

It's not bad but it's two hours. Gosling is good in it, I personally didn't like Chris Evans he was just too goofy for me.


Yes, that's correct. The bug you probably only heard called Murder Hornet was actually racist all along. Now that racism won't exist to slander the good name of the Murder Hornet


David Warner was in so much. I will always remember him from The Secret of the Ooze.

"They aren't stupid, they're babies."

Tooka hits Razar with a pipe, "Bang!"

"Okay they're stupid babies."


Yeah, it's an old game. I've played it for years and I love it. Anybody else played it? My personal best was getting five yards from the targeted area.

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