MaryMagicPie -3 points ago +1 / -4

Says the man who can't speak in anything but slurs. Every accusation is a confession, you know. Maybe go seek a therapist or a church.

MaryMagicPie -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm actually an asexual virgin. Nice try projecting your perversion on me, though.

MaryMagicPie -1 points ago +1 / -2

I can see the comments. I can see the contradictions. You know you have these contradictions because you're trying to pin the blame on me for "saying the same things" when the F slur is the only word you know and you've repeated it multiple times. You suck at gaslighting.

MaryMagicPie -3 points ago +1 / -4

No, you're a troll. And I'm having a bit of fun with you, as boring as you can be.

MaryMagicPie -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's like I'm arguing with a brick wall. The worst part about stupid people like you is that you see yourself as smart even when you contradict yourself.

MaryMagicPie -3 points ago +1 / -4

Is that word the only one you know? Give up, you have nothing interesting or kind to say.

MaryMagicPie -1 points ago +1 / -2

In the same sentence you claimed not to being name-calling me, you just name-called me. Are you sure I'm the stupid one here?

MaryMagicPie -5 points ago +1 / -6

Yes, adulterers do have parades: they're called "white pride" rallies and their "story hours" are called political propaganda videos.

Also, shut up. You don't care about children or society because you follow a political ideology that allows gun violence to run rampant, makes medicine unaffordable, ignores mental health crises that lead to high crime rates, lets the corrupt go free, and restricts the freedoms of others. You hate children because you constantly use them as political pawns (LGBTQ+ children being the biggest example of children whose lives you actively try to ruin). You also disregard their upbringing by providing them shitty healthcare, shitty nutrition in their school cafeterias, shitty education that barely teaches them the truth in favor of promoting their state’s politically extreme version of the world, shitty safety where they’re at risk for being shot dead in the classroom, and constant censoring of children's media like books and cartoons when they don't fit your specific agenda. (Remember when you went ballistic when you found out Mr. Ratburn was gay, Baby Gonzo wore a dress, and Rachel Bighead came out as trans? I remember when right-wingers complained that left-wingers wanted to cancel Paw Patrol for having a police officer as its main protagonist, then the right-wingers immediately complained about two lesbian polar bears on Peppa Pig.)

MaryMagicPie -3 points ago +2 / -5

If you have ever looked at a woman with lust in your heart, then Jesus says you're an adulterer too. Read Matthew 5.

MaryMagicPie -1 points ago +1 / -2

Okay then, so I'll call you a genius, and because everything I say is "bullshit", that means you must accept yourself as an idiot by your own logic.

MaryMagicPie -4 points ago +1 / -5

Still, the point still stands that if you are sinless, you have the right to judge me. Remember: the Bible condemns a lot of heterosexual attraction and sexual activity as well!

MaryMagicPie -1 points ago +1 / -2

Nothing wrong with being a feminist or having gay parents. Besides, gender has no impact on one's morality or worth as a human being. Perhaps you're envious of middle schoolers for being happier than you despite despite entirely different ideologies?

MaryMagicPie -1 points ago +1 / -2

Do you have anything more original to say than middle school slurs, or do you have nothing substantial to say?

MaryMagicPie -2 points ago +1 / -3

I wish bigotry would stop being shoved down my throat too, but I'm called a "degenerate" for merely existing. Why can't you stop being obsessed over sex and gender? You think about it a lot more than I do, that's for certain!

MaryMagicPie -9 points ago +1 / -10

You must be tired from all those mental gymnastics, maybe have some water and actually answer my question. Because getting defensive and making leaps in logic to attack my character screams insecurity in ones ideology.

MaryMagicPie -11 points ago +1 / -12

I've read the article, and it's from a notoriously biased website that was literally purchased by a conservative company and turned from a Christian equivalent of the Onion to an anti-SJW content farm. It's not a reliable source of information.

MaryMagicPie -7 points ago +1 / -8

Trust me, doll, no one cares more about identity politics than an anti-SJW who makes hating minorities their main personality. You know, like this entire web page?

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