MaryMagicPie 0 points ago +1 / -1

If sexuality is a political construct, that means that being straight and cis are political constructs as well and that your straightness is merely a personal choice. (Also, shut up: you would absolutely exclude women from every inch of your life if you had the power. You do not give a shit about gender equality and only play identity politics when you can cyberbully others online by making a word-salad of political nonsense. Grow up.)

MaryMagicPie 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you honestly think any normal, rational, non-brainwashed person uses words like "gender communist" unironically, then helping you is clearly out of my control. You need the serious help of a psychotherapist or a mother's hug. You can't accuse everyone you hate of being a "commie" as a way to deflect criticism of your delusional beliefs. Call the hospital; you need serious intervention.

MaryMagicPie 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm not a leftist, and the fact you keep accusing me of being one means you have no actual argument or self-defense. Pathetic.

MaryMagicPie 0 points ago +1 / -1

You just said that the LGBTQ+ community doesn't exist, but also believe gay people exist? Congratulations for the contradiction, you hypocrite. Like it or not, you have to share a planet with queer people. Suck it up, buttercup. That's called being a mature adult and learning to tolerate people you don't like. It's a part of life.

MaryMagicPie 0 points ago +1 / -1

Being a decent human being doesn't make me a leftist. Though, if you believe that, it explains why you're all assholes.

MaryMagicPie 1 point ago +1 / -0

See? You're proving my point that you're no less evil than the people you criticize. It's all projection!

MaryMagicPie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually, you are wrong, since you just said a racist slur. How'd you like it if someone made fun of your color?

MaryMagicPie -3 points ago +2 / -5

"Enjoy continuing to mistake a lack critical self-reflection as self-respect I guess." - Stop talking to the mirror and have a conversation.

MaryMagicPie -2 points ago +1 / -3

I'm not a leftist, actually. Guess that makes you a liar too. What was that about projection again?

MaryMagicPie -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nothing wrong with owning cats... but I have dogs. Nice try, still not offended. I have plenty of self-respect.

MaryMagicPie -2 points ago +1 / -3

I'm a cis woman, actually. Not trans. But nice try. You transphobes "Can't always tell!" like you often brag you're able to. And thanks for proving my point that you're no more moral or pro-queer than your "enemies."

MaryMagicPie -2 points ago +1 / -3

"We're the ones who built a safe society for LGBTQ+ people!"

Over 300 anti-transgender bills were written in America in 2023 alone. 91 of those were about banning transgender health care, like estrogen and testosterone pills (which non-trans people also use). 39 of those were sports bans whose wording can also include any feminine cis man or masculine cis woman, or even cis people with different body types and hormone amounts. 44 were forced-outing bills, which could result in higher risks of suicide, self-harm, youth homelessness, child neglect, and censorship. 27 of those were bans on drag shows, regardless of the content actually within those shows. Some are for adults only, some are more age-appropriate. Same goes for pop concerts. Some pop concerts are appropriate for kids, some aren’t. Does this mean we ban all pop shows because some are inappropriate? Some bills were also worded that any man dressed feminine or any woman dressed masculine on stage or performing in general could be held under these laws (regardless of context, intention, or sexuality and gender of the performer.) …This doesn’t mean the bills will all pass, but they were made and attempted to be put in place. Some bills have already been approved. American Gov. Spencer Cox infamously shot down a bill that would ban transgender teenagers from participating in sports because it only affected four kids in his entire state. Let me repeat that: they are willing to make entire bills to ruin the lives of just four kids. This is oppression. And if you really support freedom of speech and defense of rights, you’d be pro-LGBTQ+ yourself lest you be a hypocrite.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fTxHLjBa86GA7WCT-V6AbEMGRFPMJndnaVGoZZX4PMw/edit?pli=1#gid=719771929 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/over-300-anti-lgbtq-bills-have-already-been-filed-in-2023/ar-AA17j6Ye https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/human-rights-campaign-foundation-state-equality-index-91-of-anti-lgbtq-bills-in-2022-failed-to-become-law

Most of these attacks on the LGBTQ+ community were done by extremist religious groups and far-right political politicians alongside their followers. A majority of their arguments for these bans, bills, and attacks against the LGBTQ+ community were actually not primarily science-based as they preached. A majority of their arguments for these new laws were based in religious misconception and political dogma, with biology and objective facts from actual scientists and doctors not even being considered: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/03/anti-trans-transgender-health-care-ban-legislation-bill-minors-children-lgbtq/

MaryMagicPie -4 points ago +1 / -5

Okay, that is explicitly racist language. The point here isn't a criticism of the media: you literally called the men racial slurs and are spreading anti-immigrant conspiracy theories. Congratulations for outing out your true intentions.

MaryMagicPie -19 points ago +1 / -20

I find it funny you're using this post to attack Middle Eastern peoples (you're not going after these men, you're going after the entire group) for being "barbaric" but then turn around and also treat women like shit and I promise you that a majority of the people here would absolutely beat a lesbian couple to death. I guess homophobia and violence are only okay when you do it. You don't care about the victims, let's be honest: you just want to use their story to justify racism. No justifying what these men did, but you seem to have more concern that they're a different race than you rather than they're criminals and that a lesbian couple got attacked.

MaryMagicPie -1 points ago +2 / -3

"It's hard to convince people of a lie!" - I know, that's why I'm not falling for your crap.

Also, look: you're probably some unemployed 27-year-old named Braxton in his parents' house, 200lbs. with an unshowered clump of hair on his face, trying to seem tough and badass when the most exercise he gets in a day is opening a bag of Lay's. I'm not afraid of you and you have no power over my life. My feelings aren't even hurt, so you can't even be offensive properly. You're just pathetic. No well-adjusted person talks and acts like you do. You're acting like a comic book villain.

But yeah, the truth is coming out: and you're mad about it. And it's your fault for your own hatred. For absolute shame.

MaryMagicPie 0 points ago +2 / -2

You first, buddy. If you have hatred in your heart, then you need to repent for it.

MaryMagicPie -1 points ago +1 / -2

"You people" implies you've never really been fine with us and your next sentence confirms it. Nice hypocrisy; you managed to contradict yourself in only two sentences. Impressive!

MaryMagicPie -3 points ago +1 / -4

So are you. Your lack of self-awareness is astounding. Besides, calling me dumb suddenly doesn't make you smart.

MaryMagicPie -4 points ago +1 / -5

Ah, so you admit that you're the one repeating yourself and name-calling, despite your insistence you aren't? Thanks for the medal, hon. This means I win this little fight. Not that it means a whole lot. Didn't you have fun wasting time with me instead of actually doing good out in the world?

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