CNN has cancelled Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter.
Alex Stein trolling Vice reporter at CPAC
Wanna know how screwed Sri Lanka is? Just look at the company their new president keeps.
This time for real: Italian Prime Minister Draghi resigns
Interesting article about Shinzō Abe's assassin and his motives
Looks like they can only guarantee to stay up till the end of the month. From their website:
There has been some major disruption with our technical team based in Ukraine and we are not currently able to offer bundles. That may change, we can guarantee users will be able to download their assets through the end of July 2022. We will keep you informed about the future of Groupees here and on social media. Thank you.
Groupees used to be a site with great game bundles but like all bundle sites their game offers have been less than stellar lately and they've mostly been doing music and comic bundles recently.
German companies have to use non-binary terms when addressing customers or risk massive fines
"Southerners" attack pride parade in Germany
German school bans shorts and skirts for girls so Muslims don't get offended
YouTuber Ethan Klein calls for bombing of NRA conference
Hearty laugh of the day: Mosque in Germany named after Nazi SS Sturmbannführer
Elon Musk is shitposting again. This time: pregnant Bill Gates