In today's dose of Clown World:
Far-left extremists and Antifa have attacked LGBTWTFBBQ parades in several German cities.
Apparently the parades have become too mainstream and corporate. Organizers have also publicly disavowed extremism. On top of that, Antifa really don't like that police are actively participating in the parades.
- So far participating police got attacked in Berlin (and retreated like the good little cucks that they are).
- In Stuttgart a bunch of Antifa attacked participants and blocked the parade (auto-translated article).
- In Mainz a member of the party Die Linke (former SED) attacked a tranny and a bunch of Antifa tried to block a police booth (auto-translated article).
We might complain about all that corporate virtue signalling but they actually do something about it ;)
All that talk about extremists, originally aimed at the perceived right-wing threat, is coming to haunt them, too, because politicians and public figures have to pay lip service to "both sides". So they now distance themselves from left-wing extremism, which causes them to get more violent.
Looks like they're getting a lesson in what it's like when outside infiltrators take over your hobby, if your hobby is being a violent protester and rebel without a cause.
The boring mainstream and corporate marketers have ruined it for them and they're not taking it well. Or maybe they just want to recruit more Muslim members for Antifa.

With the coming Reddit API changes in a couple of days (1st of July) scripts that purge comment histories may or may not work anymore. Thus this might be the last chance to purge your history. Not entirely sure but I've been planning to do this anyway.
I'm currently running this fork of Power Delete Suite:
So far it seems to work fine. However it takes a long time (several hours depending on your history size) due to rate limits.
If you want to do so too:
- Go to the github page.
- Click the button at the bottom.
- Drag the button on the new page into your bookmark bar (not the address bar). On Brave you can enable or disable the bookmark bar in the appearance section of the settings.
- Go to your Reddit user profile (AFAIK you have to be logged in) and click the script button in your bookmark bar.
- If you want to edit your comments before deleting them (allegedly "deleting" only hides them) check the edit option. The dev recommends not to edit them to anything that could trigger auto-mods.
- Select filters if you want to exclude subreddits, etc.
- Click process and be prepared to wait. AFAIK you have to keep the browser window open.
In the German state of North Rhine Westphalia (sometimes called the German caliphate due to its large Muslim population) 500 Muslims attacked each other. Smaller fights throughout the week with 50-80 people led to this latest escalation. (autro-translated article)
Meanwhile in Austria: Islamists planned an attack on a pride parade in Vienna: