Kirillin 12 points ago +12 / -0

Lol you wish. We both know that whenever some faggot lefty says some milquetoast centre shit, the gamergate crowd cheers that he/she’s their hero no matter what they did in the past.

Harry Potter woman and Pedo Gunn were proof

Kirillin 9 points ago +9 / -0

Also they literally apologized to the Asians, they aren’t on your side. Whites never get apologies

Kirillin -2 points ago +5 / -7

lmao asians demoralized? What?? Asians literally destroyed the world with their bat fucking virus and then cried about racism when people pointed out they lied about it. Asians are pieces of shit that use woke culture more than anyone.

Why do so many people live in a fantasy world where Asians didn’t just use Wokeness to handwave away their mishandling of a deadly virus

Kirillin 4 points ago +7 / -3

Nope, Asians are happy to use racism to push down whites all the time. Fucking China is doing it now. The whole gamergate 4chan faggot belief that “BASED ASIANS” is a dead fucking meme. Asians are just as likely to use MUH RACISM to get special treatment, and they have. Just because they also get called racist by blacks does not make them “on the same team”

Blacks are more on the side of whites than fucking Asians, you retarded weeb