No but it's a start I guess, and arguably better than having an OF sale like Amber Rose is. As I said I had to look up who this Nala girl is so I could be way off base.
At the end of the day though I think there's a HUGE difference between having a whore on some internet show, and putting one on a pedestal at the national convention.
So what I said was right then no? Nala (who admittedly I had to look up so I could be wrong) stopped her OF, while Amber Rose checks notes decided to continue whoring herself out at a 50% discount.
Yup seems wholesome to me...
At the end of the day even if everything you say is right (and again I'd never heard of that chick till I just looked her up) then to me they got it wrong then and right now.
Don't put whores on a pedestal is kind of an easy way to live life.