Gasbraai 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hate the fact that GW even has a stance on matters of politics. I don't care about a corporate political opinion because corporations cannot have opinions, only individuals can and I am 100% sure that there are folks working at GW that feel, like myself, that the company has no business commenting on anything outside the realm of their IP and the expansion of said IP.

Wokes keep screeching that everything has to be political. As soon as you ask if we could maybe just focus on building and playing with our plastic spacemen instead of commenting on social issues, they pipe up with "well ahksually.. something something ... Ghazgul Thraka ... Thatcher bad!!!". The fact that GW lampooned a public figure 30 years ago in a subtle and humorous way is all the justification the wokes need to beat you over the head with politics now it seems.

Seperating and compartmentalizing aspects of your life is how you maintain balance in your life. Hobby time is not "being-angry-about-politics" time. It's not "feeling-guilty-about-my-privilege" time or anything else the wokes demand in order for you to be 'virtuous' in their eyes. It's "painting-my-toy-soldiers-and-enjoying-the-lore" time and thats all.

I want GW to preach to me about diversity and inclusivity and how they support BLM about as much as I want the waitress at a steak house to preach to me about how she found jesus and is a reborn christian. It's out of place, presumptuous and disrespectful and mostly cringeworthy.