Eustace 4 points ago +4 / -0

Someone posted that they contacted her host, and the host pulled the website down, so - you can only see it archived.

If it's true, it makes the fact they posted it on Newsweek even funnier. If you really want to read all 5 posts in full, you can start here and click on the "next" blog posts buttons - but it's really, really long and somewhat repetitive.

I think the Where are these Children's Mothers was the fourth "chapter" in the saga.


Oh and it's really, really, offensive.

Eustace 3 points ago +3 / -0

She's not really a Trump fan either:

Twitter shut Trump down, the troll’s champion, Twitter said “this is not the public” so why the fuck was Twitter allowed to stand? Why did you not burn it down?


Twitter is the raw, pure, perfect evil of the data, that makes whatever you scroll the most real. You cheered it, didn’t you. Getting Trump off Twitter. You missed the point. Twitter did it. Twitter sacrificed America to their lowest common denominator and walked it back when the damage was done. Why was Twitter allowed to stand? Where was Anonymous? Where were the Pirates? Where where the mother fucking hackers? Where the fuck was Neo? I believed in those people once. Where were they? Masturbating, that’s where, their worthless cocks and their broken pituitary glands.

Not with a bang but with a whimper, America. Pour one out for Western Civilization.

Eustace 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is maybe 25% of what she wrote. If you read the whole thing, she talks about being a Porn Actress was like being in the Matrix - she had a persona she put on and lived in a fantasy world. It led to her becoming a monster. Eventually, she had to kill her persona off, get clean and sober, and rejoin reality - and she's better for it.

She doesn't own a smart phone. She isn't just speaking to transgender people, but to everyone - get off your phone, rejoin reality.

To transwomen, she says they too have a persona, just like she did, and they need to kill that persona off, man up, and rejoin reality.

So here - she's saying she voted for Biden, but may people are living in a fantasy world where "no one could have voted for Biden".

The entire thing is full of poetic and symbolic language.

They also cut this bit out, which hopefully makes sense in context - she's literally telling people to take the red pill, get off the internet, and rejoin reality:

The ghost of Lily Cade holds out her hands. In one hand is the blue trance of the endless scroll, the smartphone, the Matrix. In the other hand is nothing and everything, her red blood pulsing beneath her skin. Which hand do you take?

Eustace 15 points ago +15 / -0

To be fair, this specific ex-porn actress has been speaking up about this since at least... 2012? She's been dog-piled at least that long, that's why she's so angry.