I know about the "Stormfront" character....but how bad did it end up?
The season is on my plex server, trying to decide whether to watch or delete sight unseen.
EDIT: Just to be clear, I don't care if it followed the comic, so not interested in those complaints.
Or failing that, an active gaming news site that meets the same criteria? I've pretty much had my fill of SJW central there
r games / r movies / r television, all completely taken over by SJWs, all other opinions downvoted to oblivion or lead to a ban.
I see the SJW retards over at r television are jerking themselves pretty hard over the new character "Stormfront*" being a Trumpesque Nazi. I was planning to wait until the season ended to watch, but if it's just another show telling me how terrible I am, I'll throw it on the ever growing mountain of trash TV.
- I'm pretty sure nuclear bomb would be more subtle.
Trump's law (or Trump's rule of TDS Whining) is an Internet adage asserting that "as an online discussion (on any topic) grows longer, the probability of someone whining about Trump approaches 1"
I'm tempted to watch it, but the fact that the idiots on reddit LOVE IT makes me think it's got to be pretty damned hard core woke.

I would but I don't have the time or temperament to run or moderate a site anymore.
I envision entertainment.win as place to talk about movies / tv / games you like, and not just bitch about them being "woke". They may be woke, but some of us still enjoy some of them. The woke complaining can remain on KiA2.win.
Those subs are the last things still tying me to that festering ass boil reddit.
Kinda interested in this and Reddit fawning over the premiere, but that often means it's actually woke trash.
I know the show looks like it's going to be just another "racism bad" sermon in a long line of them.
Anyone watch the premiere?
Reading the replies you can almost feel the divide by zero errors in their brains as they try to reconcile "orange man bad" with "orange man did good thing".
Of course with some "orange man bad" still wins.
Here is the thread in question, it's locked but you can still read it.
EDIT: Reading more of the thread, I'm thinking it was a little pro-Trump for the people in charge.