tl;dr I need some way to find audiobooks that aren't leftist propaganda. Is there a site or something out there? Books recs don't need to be completely clean of SJW trash (it's great if they are), but it can't be some infinite genders shit where the MC is a gay 6-spirit 800 years in the future.
So my job involves a lot of driving, and I like listening to fiction audiobooks (scifi and fantasy pretty much exclusively). For years I just googled for recommendations, and that led me to some good, popular books, but I've gone through a lot of the obvious stuff that fits what I want now.
Google of course leads me to articles, and Reddit. Reddit worked for me for a while, but I started checking books and authors for certain content in advance. i.e. I usually search an author's name with the word LGBT to see what comes up. Only now it's like...half or more of the authors I see recommended, from reddit or otherwise, end up being activists with clear agendas in their work.
While doing my filtering last night, I came across this article, which explains why there seems to be endless LGBT books everywhere, with everything else buried:
Obviously, I can try to just read much older material, but I don't want to stick to that exclusively (and I still have to find those books anyway). Basically I'm wondering if any of you know places where I can get decent book recommendations, because subreddits aren't useful. The books don't even have to be completely SJW free - they just need to not be fucking obvious propaganda pieces.