I’ve been looking into getting into streaming as something to do for fun moreso than a way to make $$ and while Twitch is the most known their history of hypocrisy and dubious shit makes me want to find somewhere I can stream without getting ban hammered for talking about “unapproved” topics or whatnot. I know most of the suck but what’s the best one for now?


I’ve like the OG Doki Doki Lit club even though the fandom is trash & ive gotten excited that an expanded version is being dropped. But I’m wanting to know if Dan Salvato has dropped woke shit in it considering he did bend the knee last year about BLM or if it’s gonna be a steaming turd of a game thus ruining what made the original great


Last night I was trying to access the .win site during the debate/forest fire and for some reason the servers were down. Anyone else have issues or is there something odd going on here?

I keep hearing that Yandere Dev is back in the limelight again and apparently for bad reasons.. I know of his cringe past shit he’s done but what’s driving the outrage now? I know he’s dropped a new character but is this same shit or is he getting canceled despite being a cringy fuck?