AnarchistPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was "modded" and given a suspension for suggesting that the 2020 election should be audited, that there wouldn't be a massive outbreak of violence at the capitol (in a post I wrote Jan 5th), and for using the term "globalist." Everything I posted was civil; I did not promote violence or engage in any ad hominem attacks.

I've also observed users attempt to "bait" me into saying things that would then be moddable. For instance, I've been asked, "you seem to think trans women are men, what do you mean by this?" and so on.

But yeah, like any tech/nerd site GameFAQs has the typical tran-jan mods. Their salary: $0.00.

btw op, PM me your GameFAQs username if you wish; I'm searching for more based people over there.