Please tell me this site isn't trying to be another "Sanitized" and "apolitical" subreddit where talking about facts that make jews uncomfortable is forbidden. We moved from reddit to escape censors that didn't want us to talk about trannies. Are we not allowed to talk about transgenderism's jewish source?

edit: I got censored and banned, this site is a lost cause. I'll be on without the censorship, because DoM is a leftist tyrant who loves his censorship.


All leftists are genocidal. All leftists want Christianity erased, that won't be changed by the cucked Christians who say "Accept all refugees or you're no true Christian".

All leftists are genocidal. All leftists want those with white skin enslaved or dead, that won't be changed by the cucked whites who say "hurr durr fuck stormcucks and whiteness doesn't exist".

There are three types of Libertarians: Fake libertarians who'll tolerate anything(even abuses of power) as long as they're allowed to engage in degeneracy, real libertarians who haven't yet figured out which ideology the communist fears more than anything due to its ability to grant its people liberty through meaningfully opposing communists, and real libertarians who know the truth.


You knows it.

I knows it.

Everybody knows it.


Isn't it annoying when consoomers argue with you about fictional characters/factions using their headcanons as evidence?

I don't care if someone thinks the NCR could become good 40 years after winning in FNV. House is the easiest option for the Mojave's success, and the Wild Card ending is only superior if the Courier is smarter than House.