About Wotanjugend: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2019/09/04/the-hardcore-russian-neo-nazi-group-that-calls-ukraine-home/
These guys both Russian immigrants/exiles and the Russian "ultranationalists" as they call them in the West (the bogeyman of so much West fiction of the last few decades, like the whole COD saga where they they're the baddies while the Russian government are good guys, funny that) but they associate with Azov with no problem at all.
And speaking of them MisDiv gentlemen, I swear it's not me actually: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CvJWDHLXEAEeYr2.jpg (that's what u/AntonioOfVenice now actually believes).
About Wotanjugend: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2019/09/04/the-hardcore-russian-neo-nazi-group-that-calls-ukraine-home/
These guys both Russian immigrants/exiles and the Russian "ultranationalists" as they call them in the West (the bogeyman of so much West fiction of the last few decades, like the whole COD saga where they they're the baddies while the Russian government are good guys, funny that) but they associate with Azov with no problem at all.
And speaking of them MisDiv gentlemen, I swear it's not me: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CvJWDHLXEAEeYr2.jpg (that's what u/AntonioOfVenice now actually believes).
About Wotanjugend: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2019/09/04/the-hardcore-russian-neo-nazi-group-that-calls-ukraine-home/
These guys both Russian immigrants/exiles and the Russian "ultranationalists" as they call them in the West (the bogeyman of so much West fiction of the last few decades, like the whole COD saga where they they're the baddies while the Russian government are good guys, funny that) but they associate with Azov with no problem at all.
And speaking of them MisDiv gentlemen, I swear it's not me actually: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CvJWDHLXEAEeYr2.jpg (that's what u/AntonioOfVenice actually believes).
About Wotanjugend: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2019/09/04/the-hardcore-russian-neo-nazi-group-that-calls-ukraine-home/
These guys both Russian immigrants/exiles and the Russian "ultranationalists" as they call them in the West (the bogeyman of so much West fiction of the last few decades, like the whole COD saga where they they're the baddies while the Russian government are good guys, funny that) but they associate with Azov with no problem at all.
And speaking of them Misanthropic Div gentlemen, I sweae it's not me actually: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CvJWDHLXEAEeYr2.jpg
About Wotanjugend: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2019/09/04/the-hardcore-russian-neo-nazi-group-that-calls-ukraine-home/
These guys both Russian immigrants/exiles and the Russian "ultranationalists" as they call them in the West (the bogeyman of so much West fiction of the last few decades, like the whole COD saga where they they're the baddies while the Russian government are good guys, funny that) but they associate with Azov with no problem at all.