Instead of tackling the infestation of Marxism in the video game industry through the video game media, you stuck with "ethics in video game journalism." Instead of exposing the Marxists out in the open within the video game industry, you chose to invest your time on "based feminists" and "based neutrals". Instead of revealing to the people the damage that Marxists have done to video games, you keep saying "vote with your wallet", when the corporations themselves don't even like you, they loathe you.
In short: Most people in #GamerGate chose to deliberately miss the forest from the trees.
Bruv, you cannot hide from that statement while trying to kafkatrap someone.
You are one dense motherfucker. You once again ascribed a position not taken after it was pointed out that you'd done exactly that in the first place. You might as well triple down and go for the hat trick at this point.
Resorting to ad hominem really unmasked on how your arguments are, or even how you argue. Well good job, comrade.
The insult is a bonus, not the basis of an argument. This would be the Argument from Fallacy in that pretty picture you learned them all from.