31 RBG's Legacy. What a champion of the black people. Surely worth rioting over. (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 4 years ago by rainingblood 4 years ago by rainingblood +32 / -1 12 comments download share 12 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The same way they try to explain away the suffragettes who didn't want blacks to vote and the eugenics of Margaret Sanger, wanting to stop the breeding of blacks, Asians, the poor and anyone with any disability?
It used to be owned by a married couple (man and woman). Then the husband embezzled a bunch of money and spent it on hookers. Then he divorced his wife and married one of the hookers. As far as I know, the old wife was bought out of the company and the husband still runs it with his new ex-hooker wife.