posted ago by Caesah ago by Caesah +12 / -1

You might remember Pastel Belle as the girl who threatened to dox victims of Dahvie Vanity (an alleged pedophile) if they wouldn't come on her show. She's also protected Dahvie's ex-girlfriend (who was supposedly involved) from criticism and harassed others for talking about her alleged involvement, and tried to arrange a plea deal for someone currently on trial for pedophilia if he talked about Dahvie. Her sketchy interviews have also hurt any possible case against Dahvie.

She's also LARPed as being connected to the FBI to convince supposed rape victims to be on her show, with the promise that the FBI would do something. She's also encouraged her (seemingly very young) fans to continuously call non-emergency numbers for updates on cases. She's harassed and lied about her numerous critics.

Recently, she had a sketchy girl on claiming that CreepsMcPasta and CreepyPastaJr groomed her which has led attacks on their channels despite weak evidence. Their response was mostly confusion and attempts to rebuke the claims as best as they could (different typing styles, different ways of talking, the conversation got details of their lives wrong, stuff like that). It seems like she's trying to turn accusing random people of rape/pedophilia into a career, but she could just have a savior complex.

Slimebeast is also whiteknighting and signal boosting for her, as well as some other authors and moderators such as Chilling Tales for Dark Nights, and most of the reddit horror subreddits.