posted ago by Galean ago by Galean +9 / -1

Not sure if it was worth posting but the song Sick Boy from The Chainsmokers describes well the divide in America from someone who is not on the left. And I think is cool and thought to share since is not like there are many in the music industry that are not complete leftists.

Let me know what you think.

From another site:

It's about how people demonize other people only for having a different political view even if they don't know them personally, and they are narcissist because they think that they have the absolute truth and are not able to even listen to the other side because it disrupts their belief system or ideology... And suppress other people through social media to dictate what's morally accepted or not. I believe the chaisnmokers were raised in a very conservative environment (the east) so they have some of those conservative values that liberals hate (the west coast), so they struggled with that to be able to have succeed in the music industry. That's why I think he said he lives in a "prison" because he has a very competitive mentality and had to suppress his inner conservative (his true identity) in order to enter the music industry which is extremely liberal dominated.