Yes, let's push muscularity as the new beauty standards for women, Polygon. Instead of dieting, women should now go to the gym 4 times a week and maybe even take steroids.
What happened to appreciating all body types, Polygon? Oh right, athletic, muscular women are probably the sexual fantasy of Polygon writers.
Yes, let's push muscularity as the new beauty standards for women, Polygon. Instead of dieting, women should now go to the gym 4 times a week and maybe even take steroids.
What happened to appreciating all body types, Polygon? Oh right, athletic, muscular women are probably the sexual fantasy of Polygon writers.
It was only ever about trying to guilt people into appreciating the unattractive ones.
Exactly. It was women's way to make leeching off us even easier, because we're now told fat is sexy. They don't even have to work for a good body now.
only for women, if youre a fat male without money then good luck getting a look in