So some researchers decided to finally do "An empirical study of the proclivity to be offended and what it says about employees' attitudes and behaviors"...
Needless to say it isn't good for the perpetually offended. Not only are they worse performing themselves but they shit in the pool for everyone as it were.
The money shot from the conclusions/discussion:
"The most fundamental implication of this research is the finding that the current trend of taking offense to an array of events and traditions represents an nderlying phenomenon and not isolated reactions. Moreover, this state correlates with some of the most important work-related outcomes (see Kataria et al., 2012; Koys, 2001; Ostroff, 1992), and in ways one might not expect or predict. For example, one might assume those who display PTBO are the most helpful in the organization as their prescriptive morality dictates helping and providing for others (cf. Arnot, 2009; Janoff-Bulman & Carnes, 2014; Schwartz, 2002, 2010; Thomas & McGarty, 2009), but study results indicate a negative relationship between PTBO and two different forms of citizenship behavior. Moreover, PTBO negatively correlated with task performance and positively correlated with counterproductive work behaviors, suggesting not only that these individuals engage in fewer citizenship behaviors but also engage in behaviors managers and organizations want their employees to avoid."
SciHub link to paper: https://sci-hub.st/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.05.040
Easiest way in an interview is to ask what THEIR contribution to the projects on the resume.
All shit workers (SJW included) will always talk about what "the team" did. It was a "team" effort. When pressed for technical details, decision making, challenges faced, and risks taken and averted, they ALWAYS come up empty because they did not actually participate.