With the Switch 2 around the corner, and being right in the sweet spot of the timeline where Nintendo typically begins releasing teasers for their next Zelda installment, I'm curious what ideas any KiA Zelda fans have in mind for the next installment. Did you like the general direction the franchise is headed with BotW/TotK? Anything from older titles you want back? New mechanics or story ideas you'd like to see expanded or introduced? Anything about recent titles or even past ones you hated and don't want to see return?
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Tbh I dunno if I'd consider myself much of a Zelda fan anymore. I'm not interested in the whole 3D open world RPG thing, and the last Zelda game I played (ALBW) didn't wow me like they used to. What I want would basically be a pipe dream at this point.
Either a good, meaty 2D Zelda game or a Zelda game in the vein of Twilight Princess would be nice I guess but I don't see either happening for a while at least.
Same here maybe it's a meme at this point to be the elitist retro snob, but I haven't enjoyed Zelda much since Majora's Mask. I would enjoy a 2D remake of an old classic like they did with Samus Returns - but they'll screw it up like they did Samus Returns.
Interesting, ALBW was my favorite Zelda game in years.
It just felt like an inferior version of LttP to me in too many ways.
One of the only things I can remember from the game was the surprisingly fun baseball minigame. Aside from that and the 2D gimmick (which wasn't all that impressive to me), my memory of it is largely just a forgettable blur.