14 out of the 15 players who played for France today were black (including substitutions). Edit: the match was against Croatia, not the Netherlands.
The West is overrun.
14 out of the 15 players who played for France today were black (including substitutions). Edit: the match was against Croatia, not the Netherlands.
The West is overrun.
I'm fairly certain that was the case even before the current "Migrant Crisis."
Many of those countries have no real national pride, so they will import these savages who can kick really good to win the game for them and derive their pride from that. Its a collapse of sports competition as a "we make the best players" dynamic and replacing it with "we win the most."
Its why every college basketball/football team in America has 80% of the black population of that campus on it, because they consider "we convinced a bunch of niggers from all over to come here and that makes us the best" a point of pride.
When the eagle won and I was almost late to work because of it, this was all I was thinking. Stupid drunks celebrating a bunch of random men from everywhere winning a children’s game and pretending it somehow represents Philly. P.S. Philly sucks.