I'm nearly completely done with Jewish "right wing" commentators.
The hypocrisy, and I guess chutzpah is just too much for me. It leads me to question other things they're saying when they can so blatantly lie. Things I would generally listen to and agree with. But when they turn on jew mode they're all insufferable deceptive liars who go full blown "lefty." They literally turn into rabid leftists defending their group as a whole by any means, facts, logic, be damned.
Even if something can be shown to be objectively true that paints a jew in a negative light by even the smallest sliver of an iota, they'll be there with a campaign to destroy that information and hide it from the public by any means necessary, as they've done time and time again.
Ever heard of the screeches of blood libel? Oh its just an antisemitic conspiracy myth right? Well there was a medieval scholar - a jew by the name of Ariel Toaff, who discovered that in medieval Italy, there were ashkenazi jews who did practixe the ritual murder of Christian children. Fact.
But nope, they destroyed him and the books. Luckily you can find it still.
It's just one item in a long long list of things they lie about and try to control the narrative around.
They are the original snow flakes. They are the Genesis of all this lefty insanity around us. Change my mind.
Like they did with Ariel Toaff, they are fully willing to ostracise their own kind if they are the good ones that call out their bullshit culture. We saw that happen again and again with someone, pretty sure he was Harold Rosenthal, Bobby Fischer, Isaac Kappy. Their religion sucks, their culture sucks, their people suck. The worst of it is a lot of them are unapologetic subversive hypocrites that fail to hold accountability for many things but shift the blames to other groups. They are largely responsible for spearheading cancel culture too which affected A LOT what made the current world miserable to live in.
I'm nearly completely done with Jewish "right wing" commentators.
The hypocrisy, and I guess chutzpah is just too much for me. It leads me to question other things they're saying when they can so blatantly lie. Things I would generally listen to and agree with. But when they turn on jew mode they're all insufferable deceptive liars who go full blown "lefty." They literally turn into rabid leftists defending their group as a whole by any means, facts, logic, be damned.
Even if something can be shown to be objectively true that paints a jew in a negative light by even the smallest sliver of an iota, they'll be there with a campaign to destroy that information and hide it from the public by any means necessary, as they've done time and time again.
Ever heard of the screeches of blood libel? Oh its just an antisemitic conspiracy myth right? Well there was a medieval scholar - a jew by the name of Ariel Toaff, who discovered that in medieval Italy, there were ashkenazi jews who did practixe the ritual murder of Christian children. Fact.
But nope, they destroyed him and the books. Luckily you can find it still.
It's just one item in a long long list of things they lie about and try to control the narrative around.
They are the original snow flakes. They are the Genesis of all this lefty insanity around us. Change my mind.
Like they did with Ariel Toaff, they are fully willing to ostracise their own kind if they are the good ones that call out their bullshit culture. We saw that happen again and again with someone, pretty sure he was Harold Rosenthal, Bobby Fischer, Isaac Kappy. Their religion sucks, their culture sucks, their people suck. The worst of it is a lot of them are unapologetic subversive hypocrites that fail to hold accountability for many things but shift the blames to other groups. They are largely responsible for spearheading cancel culture too which affected A LOT what made the current world miserable to live in.