Watching younger generations turn on trannyism faster than the older generations is something else. I know a guy who's maybe elder millennial or younger Gen X who's dating a Brazilian tranny (being 5' 2" is brutal but still). His Boomer mother is aghast at the degeneracy but his Silent Generation grandmother thinks it's perfectly acceptable.
you don't consider women sitting together and out-virtue-signaling each other. who gives a shit that the bloodline ends. as long as their daughters can whore around and they can parade around their oh so progressive and modern abuse-victims...ah sry, sons, they don't care.
islam is too kind towards women.
That has little to do with his comment. It's almost a complete non-sequitur. In fact, given that there are two women in the anecdote and they're politically at odds because one of them isn't accepting a degenerate, what he said contradicts your follow-up. It makes you come off like you can't read.
Gonna be honest, someone who is still alive from the fucking Silent Generation is difficult to believe as having adequate faculties to even necessarily understand what's going on in that situation.
Someone who is likely over 100 years old wouldn't have had problems with a phenomenon that could be considered literally unlawful in those days (if you're talking the sodomy aspect of the relationship), let alone the natural social stigma and disgust? I guess a silent generation woman growing up to be a hippie is possible, but it's unlikely, especially as you age.
My assumption is that she doesn't fully understand the situation.
Watching younger generations turn on trannyism faster than the older generations is something else. I know a guy who's maybe elder millennial or younger Gen X who's dating a Brazilian tranny (being 5' 2" is brutal but still). His Boomer mother is aghast at the degeneracy but his Silent Generation grandmother thinks it's perfectly acceptable.
you don't consider women sitting together and out-virtue-signaling each other. who gives a shit that the bloodline ends. as long as their daughters can whore around and they can parade around their oh so progressive and modern abuse-victims...ah sry, sons, they don't care. islam is too kind towards women.
That has little to do with his comment. It's almost a complete non-sequitur. In fact, given that there are two women in the anecdote and they're politically at odds because one of them isn't accepting a degenerate, what he said contradicts your follow-up. It makes you come off like you can't read.
Gonna be honest, someone who is still alive from the fucking Silent Generation is difficult to believe as having adequate faculties to even necessarily understand what's going on in that situation.
Someone who is likely over 100 years old wouldn't have had problems with a phenomenon that could be considered literally unlawful in those days (if you're talking the sodomy aspect of the relationship), let alone the natural social stigma and disgust? I guess a silent generation woman growing up to be a hippie is possible, but it's unlikely, especially as you age.
My assumption is that she doesn't fully understand the situation.