posted ago by current_horror ago by current_horror +50 / -1

Can you imagine anything worse, in the realm of gaming, then playing as a pair of literal millennial girl writers? I expend a decent amount of effort actively avoiding the shit products of millennial girl boss authors. These are the exact people who have fucked fantasy and sci-fi to hell over the last 10+ years. Now they want me to skip right over their painfully terrible self-inserts to play as the actual retards themselves?

The game looks very technically competent. I'm sure the gameplay is fine. But I don't need to tolerate horrible characters, dialogue, and story in my video games. I'm not "missing out" by skipping this shit, same as I'm not missing out when I bypass games created by people who hate me. There are already more good games in existence than any one person could ever fully play. But even if this were the only game in the world, I'd rather quit the hobby than suffer through these characters and this writing.