I find it interesting the amounts of leftist and foreign influences proposing a coup to happen in Hungary or Hungary to be kicked out of the EU because of their votes blocking EU's traitorous decisions to further undermine itself and its members. It poses a question, if one country using its vote the way it sees fit, 100% legally, is enough to get some to demand Hungary be kicked out of the EU, then what even is the purpose of voting in the first place if all you want is majority rule?
You're free to make your decisions, some usual blabbering about our democracy and other EU faggy values, but so long as those decisions align with ours. Then the usual democracy lovers try to push every day Hungarians into a coup... now this sounds oddly familiar? Foreign and ''democratic'' influences, organizing a coup, some smaller country in Eastern Europe, sometime in 2014, ah I can't quite put my finger on it... but I'm sure someone else will remember.
It was the same thing with immigrants, Hungary should be kicked out of the EU because... they don't want to replace their population with a bunch of 70 IQ military aged goat fuckers? And they should pay fines for refusing to do so, but then these same vermin will tell you it's just a replacement ''conspiracy theory'' (queue the seasoned looking ''Britons'' from recently all saying they wouldn't serve the UK military). These immigrants are simply so good for the economy of a country that we will fine you for refusing to take them in, think of how better the Hungarian economy would be with 3 million ''refugees'', is Orban stupid to refuse this easy economy cheat? Think of the (((GDP)))!!! If Hungary is lucky Orban will change his mind on this simple trick, and by next New Year's eve there'll be RuSSian AfD cars self driving themselves into Hungarians celebrating their holiday too.
Orban is such an evil dictator, think about it, he points out the decline in native populations, points out the state mandated faggotry in the western, he doesn't want me, having the unfortunate circumstance of being an EU citizen, to go die for brazillians and slavs (who are killing each other for the nth time in history) in Ukraine, doesn't want to rob me from my tax money (as my government loves to do so in a ''progressive'' way because how dare you work and try to accomplish things in a welfare country) to fund a failed comedian turned cokehead dictator and his whore wife's shopping trips in Paris (exemplary feminist equality), truly an evil guy this Orban.
Turkey and erdogan cause them the same issue, although I cannot think of anything good I could say about either Turkey or its islamist president. Turkey and its people have been a stain on mankind since the dawn of time, but it is entertaining to see the usual critters foam about erdogan and Orban.
The EU only likes voting when you vote the right way and if you don't you will keep voting until the right outcome or they will just ignore you and proceed. Just see the European Constitution. A couple of countries rightly rejected so they renamed it, split it, and amended existing treaties in order to implement every policy and item without needing the public's consent.