Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Equatorial Guinea, the United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, Indonesia, Turkey and Morocco are the 10 other countries that require spousal consent for abortion. , according to the Center for Reproductive Rights.
Taiwan is surprising considering they are the first country in Asia to have gay marriage.
Unfortunately abortion pill was recently legalized in Japan (it wasn't before) but it still requires spousal consent .
And holy shit. South Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world and yet they removed their spousal consent requirement and decriminalized abortion in 2021 because of a court ruling in 2019? wtf.
Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Equatorial Guinea, the United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, Indonesia, Turkey and Morocco are the 10 other countries that require spousal consent for abortion. , according to the Center for Reproductive Rights.
Taiwan is surprising considering they are the first country in Asia to have gay marriage.
Unfortunately abortion pill was recently legalized in Japan (it wasn't before) but it still requires spousal consent .
And holy shit. South Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world and yet they removed their spousal consent requirement and decriminalized abortion in 2021 because of a court ruling in 2019? wtf.
Not really surprising, gay marriage will not contribute to birth rate…