Just curious. I get the feeling the majority of the users on this sub are either outright atheist, or 'support Christianity as a bedrock of Western Civilization, but don't really believe it' agnostic/atheist. Feel free not to answer if you don't want to reveal that about yourself, just a thought I had.
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Raised Christian, pretty conservative Protestant. Fell off but never claimed atheism. Fully claim Christianity now, came to realize there must be something to the fact that the world I want is the world described in the Bible. Don’t go to church, not sure I ever go back to where I came. They were too much “church of God is trying to send you to hell on a technicality”. I mean I hate the church of everyone sin constantly because Jesus loves you, but it can go the wrong way the other too.
Greasy grace is a turn off for sure. What do you think following Jesus means?