Just curious. I get the feeling the majority of the users on this sub are either outright atheist, or 'support Christianity as a bedrock of Western Civilization, but don't really believe it' agnostic/atheist. Feel free not to answer if you don't want to reveal that about yourself, just a thought I had.
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I'm an atheist but not a militant one like I used to be.
so athiest, not antithiest?
just trying to pin it down.
You're thinking of Gizortnik.
not thinking of anyone in particular, lol. I'm just trying to make sure I understand.
Yeah, I'm not an antitheist per se, but I don't think the claims made by the religious are valid with the level of proof they provide
well, i can understand and respect that.
my biggest problem is with antitheists, not because they're necessarily bad people, some are no doubt very well meaning people, but because so many of them are almost religiously(ironic) opposed to even the suggestion that there may be some validity to faith, to the point that they're insufferable to be around.
seriously, i knew a guy who would snap an angry retort even if you even quipped that 'there is a god."