posted ago by AbleistSL ago by AbleistSL +57 / -0

There is an ongoing controversy in the UK where the corrupt government is openly neglecting people with ARFID due to sheer incompetence by sectioning them without proper treatment instead of actually using people trained to treat this stupid mental health condition WITHOUT involuntarily committing them, resulting in patents getting abused by grossly incompetent staff.

ARFID is an eating disorder that is pretty much "picky eating on steroids", people with this disorder will not only avoid foods based on smell and even appearance if the food looks gross, but they also struggle to eat stuff based on things such as taste and texture and can find themselves forced to spit out food and can even gag on it, people with this condition are also more sensitive to "food quality" and will not eat stuff if it's not prepared right.

Examples, sorry that all the sources are woke, I could not find anything else talking about this retarded issue: