The purpose of a FICO score is to have scored correlated with certain probability of default. Changing them for no reason other than to make it harder to get good scores would actually work against banks' interests.
From the article, their aim is to "downgrade" people carrying balances month to month. From other sources, the top retail location for using credit has been (surprise!) grocery stores. So the way I read it, they're trying to hurt people that have been surviving by floating their grocery bills.
They WANT people hungry and hurting. Something is coming.
The purpose of a FICO score is to have scored correlated with certain probability of default. Changing them for no reason other than to make it harder to get good scores would actually work against banks' interests.
From the article, their aim is to "downgrade" people carrying balances month to month. From other sources, the top retail location for using credit has been (surprise!) grocery stores. So the way I read it, they're trying to hurt people that have been surviving by floating their grocery bills.
They WANT people hungry and hurting. Something is coming.
"Are you winning yet, peasant?"
It's literally never enough.
I laugh in zero credit card debt