What you are describing is called the continuum fallacy and it is explicitly utilized by progressives of all stripes, for decades, to destroy categories for the express purpose of installing whatever nonsense they want. The continuum fallacy is simply the idea of a 110 IQ retard saying "there is an infinite gradient of color, therefore green does not exist."
I'm going to copy and paste a message I sent a friend when we were discussing Concord and "woke" as it directly pertains to this conversation:
The dialogue around "woke" is identical to the dialogues of gender, marriage, family, etc. All these battlefields are fought by shitlib marxists using the continuum fallacy in order to push their ideology onto real life. What IS gender? What IS a family? You can't define them absolutely without any grey whatsoever, therefore my demiqueer quadrouple is just as valid as your hetero family, bigot! They truly think that just because there exists an infinite gradient between green and blue that green and blue don't exist. Likewise with woke, there is a core everyone agrees on (Concord), but there is grey space outside. To the faggot leftist, this means woke has no definition, because they expect linguistic purity from their opponents so they can attempt gotchas when they can point out outliers. Of course, when using their own definitions, they utilize this fact in opposite to provide themselves the perfect defense. It doesn't matter if my definition of a woman is recursive, inconsistent, unintelligble, and impractical because it provides me with the intended defense: if a woman can't be defined, or can be shown to be undefinable, I win and the category breaks down. This is the bullshit faggotry we're up against and it's important to be able to identify when these tactics are being used.
What you are describing is called the continuum fallacy and it is explicitly utilized by progressives of all stripes, for decades, to destroy categories for the express purpose of installing whatever nonsense they want. The continuum fallacy is simply the idea of a 110 IQ retard saying "there is an infinite gradient of color, therefore green does not exist."
I'm going to copy and paste a message I sent a friend when we were discussing Concord and "woke" as it directly pertains to this conversation:
The dialogue around "woke" is identical to the dialogues of gender, marriage, family, etc. All these battlefields are fought by shitlib marxists using the continuum fallacy in order to push their ideology onto real life. What IS gender? What IS a family? You can't define them absolutely without any grey whatsoever, therefore my demiqueer quadrouple is just as valid as your hetero family, bigot! They truly think that just because there exists an infinite gradient between green and blue that green and blue don't exist. Likewise with woke, there is a core everyone agrees on (Concord), but there is grey space outside. To the faggot leftist, this means woke has no definition, because they expect linguistic purity from their opponents so they can attempt gotchas when they can point out outliers. Of course, when using their own definitions, they utilize this fact in opposite to provide themselves the perfect defense. It doesn't matter if my definition of a woman is recursive, inconsistent, unintelligble, and impractical because it provides me with the intended defense: if a woman can't be defined, or can be shown to be undefinable, I win and the category breaks down. This is the bullshit faggotry we're up against and it's important to be able to identify when these tactics are being used.