Most important thing I've noticed is that New York Magazine and Vulture are sister publications by this advertising technique. The second up thing is that Lila Shapiro (The writer of this piece) is mainly focused on books and authors that talk about sex, gender and power dynamics (With the odd bit of CRT nonsense chucked in there too).
Now only the meat and veg...
...Well it is very long. So long that one might think that the author of the piece might want to be an actual author of fiction one day. But, critique on writing style aside, like any author in the making the fold from beginning to end is much more telling that the parts in the middle.
From the end:
Around 11 p.m., they wrote down their intentions for the year and cast the scraps of paper into the fire. Pavlovich had written that she wanted to “release the yoke of victimhood” and “invite in self-acceptance.” The next morning, she woke before the others, made coffee, cleaned the kitchen, and sat on the porch in the winter sun. “Am I happy?” she wrote in her journal. “No.” But she also noted that she wasn’t alone. “There is no need to feel abandoned anymore.”
From the start:
Early the next morning, Pavlovich wrote a diary entry about the easy intimacy she’d felt in Palmer’s sun-drenched home, where she’d read to Palmer’s son, who was 5 at the time, their limbs entwined. “The years absent of touch build up like a gray inheritance,” she wrote. “I’m hungry. I am so fucking famished.”
That's not to say that Neil Gaiman didn't fuck up. He fucked up royally but more for shagging the nanny with a burlesque background and family abandonment issues that being the domineering creep of a male feminist that always finds such 'victims'.
A man born from the upper echelons of Scientology, dabbled in writing for wank mags and eventually found footing amongst the geeks of the 1980's and 90's with comic book writing and fantasy novels turns out to be everything that 'feminists' 'hate' and project onto regular comic book and fantasy fans in order to feel more in control of their existence.
If only everyone could stop thinking with their genitals for a moment and hear that one wave crash against the shore with clarity.
Archived article in question
Most important thing I've noticed is that New York Magazine and Vulture are sister publications by this advertising technique. The second up thing is that Lila Shapiro (The writer of this piece) is mainly focused on books and authors that talk about sex, gender and power dynamics (With the odd bit of CRT nonsense chucked in there too).
Now only the meat and veg...
...Well it is very long. So long that one might think that the author of the piece might want to be an actual author of fiction one day. But, critique on writing style aside, like any author in the making the fold from beginning to end is much more telling that the parts in the middle.
From the end:
From the start:
That's not to say that Neil Gaiman didn't fuck up. He fucked up royally but more for shagging the nanny with a burlesque background and family abandonment issues that being the domineering creep of a male feminist that always finds such 'victims'.
A man born from the upper echelons of Scientology, dabbled in writing for wank mags and eventually found footing amongst the geeks of the 1980's and 90's with comic book writing and fantasy novels turns out to be everything that 'feminists' 'hate' and project onto regular comic book and fantasy fans in order to feel more in control of their existence.
If only everyone could stop thinking with their genitals for a moment and hear that one wave crash against the shore with clarity.