You couldn't even interpret the basic title I made. You could just admit you were triggered over seeing women in bikinis. You belong on Reddit because that is where the pseudo-puritans who masturbate to furry vore porn try to lecture others over what should and should not be allowed.
"You couldn't even interpret the basic title I made."
Correct, as it does not stand on it's own merits. It implies nothing. It means nothing. Anyone who understood this, read into the meta context, as a member of a hive mind. Like those found on reddit, where people are paid moons to fake engagement.
So true. I can not compete with intellectuals such as you and your ilk. I stand in awe at the top thread of your submission. That in no way drags down the discourse of this site.
You couldn't even interpret the basic title I made. You could just admit you were triggered over seeing women in bikinis. You belong on Reddit because that is where the pseudo-puritans who masturbate to furry vore porn try to lecture others over what should and should not be allowed.
Correct, as it does not stand on it's own merits. It implies nothing. It means nothing. Anyone who understood this, read into the meta context, as a member of a hive mind. Like those found on reddit, where people are paid moons to fake engagement.
Don't worry even while having your condition there are a lot of government handouts nowadays.
So true. I can not compete with intellectuals such as you and your ilk. I stand in awe at the top thread of your submission. That in no way drags down the discourse of this site.
You type just like them, the same species.