Like parasites, India is dead set on spreading its people across the world for financial gain, and Trump seems to be more than happy to open the Pajeet floodgates.
Canada’s Pajeet problem is so bad that even the leftists hate them, and Pajeet replacement in America has been ramped up significantly in the tech sector these past few years, and will spread to other sectors soon enough. I’m tired of all of this bullshit and the seemingly never-ending push for more cheap, incompetent Pajeet labor.
This is so basic... "Make America Great Again" means return America to its former glory. Filling the US with pajeets is not a return to what the US once was, so this makes no political sense. It really only makes business sense, but even then, using pajeets will rarely get you a sustainable or innovative business.
Merchants gotta merchant. Selling out ones people for cheap labor and quick gains has been one of the many reasons empires and countries have been ruled by warriors, priests and nobility since time immemorial. Gotta keep the money men, the oligarchs in line.
Edit: There is a reason the merchant, the banker, the money men have all been associated and personified with the tricksters of old. Coyote, Anansi, Hermes, Loki... And a certain horn headed hand rubbing adversary....