It’s the best thing Trek has done since Archer’s Enterprise.
...maybe it's because I grew up with TNG, DS9 and, to a lesser extent Voyager, but that seems like a low bar to limbo under...
To be honest, though, If you haven't seen the OG series, I strongly recommend you binge watch it at your earliest convenience... The humor in that show alone makes it worthwhile(never seen that particular flavor of comedy anywhere's hard to describe, honestly), and that's before you even get into the stories, the writing, the acting...I'll stop here, but yeah... the original star trek is hard to appreciate as a kid, but as an
You can watch every series through Enterprise, 1 + the even numbered movies + First Contact, then finish it off with Galaxy Quest and "then they all lived happily ever after".
Enterprise was terrible at the time, but there hasn't been anything better in the scifi space since. I've grown to like it in spite of itself because of that.
At the bare minimum, the In a Mirror Darkly two-parter is an excellent stand alone story.
It's standalone because it takes place entirely in the mirror universe, involves absolutely nothing of the prime plot or crew, and even has it's own intro and theme music. Therefore it can be enjoyed even by people who don't like the show or any of the characters. As has been the case many times over the years when I've introduced it to people who didn't like ENT.
...maybe it's because I grew up with TNG, DS9 and, to a lesser extent Voyager, but that seems like a low bar to limbo under...
To be honest, though, If you haven't seen the OG series, I strongly recommend you binge watch it at your earliest convenience... The humor in that show alone makes it worthwhile(never seen that particular flavor of comedy anywhere's hard to describe, honestly), and that's before you even get into the stories, the writing, the acting...I'll stop here, but yeah... the original star trek is hard to appreciate as a kid, but as an
You can watch every series through Enterprise, 1 + the even numbered movies + First Contact, then finish it off with Galaxy Quest and "then they all lived happily ever after".
This is the true way.
Though I'm in a minority for actually liking Nemesis.
It's not great but it's In The Pale Moonlight compared to the Discovery-verse.
Enterprise was terrible at the time, but there hasn't been anything better in the scifi space since. I've grown to like it in spite of itself because of that.
At the bare minimum, the In a Mirror Darkly two-parter is an excellent stand alone story.
a plot device every generation of star trek has played with since the original.
sorry, had to give you a hard time about that one, lol
It's standalone because it takes place entirely in the mirror universe, involves absolutely nothing of the prime plot or crew, and even has it's own intro and theme music. Therefore it can be enjoyed even by people who don't like the show or any of the characters. As has been the case many times over the years when I've introduced it to people who didn't like ENT.
lol, just yanking your chain, bro. all in good fun.😁