- no marriage
- no childbirth
- no dating
- no sex with men
These women are radioactive and since they want to quarantine themselves, they should be encouraged. In fact, we need to start telling prog women to become 4B. We can call them 4bitches.
I'm completely serious. This is perfect judo. It destroys their power, makes them miserable, and deprives prog men. It's as effective a political weapon as you're ever going to get.
I would like to add a fifth bullet point though:
- no posting photos for men
/r/twoxchromosomes has been a gold mine since Election Day.
Lefty women claiming they're going to buy guns now. Good. More gun ownership makes it more difficult for the government to ban guns.
Extremists socially isolating themselves via 4B, removing themselves from the dating pool, and sparing all of us their drama. Good. We all dodged a bullet, single men especially.
Leftist women identifying themselves with blue bracelets. Good. Makes it easier to spot the crazies and avoid.
the hidden joke in there since they are buying up guns and we men are dodging them bullets lol