It popped up a little while back and seemed really interesting. Reviews were good, and it looked like a true throwback to 80s games (which it is, to be fair), so I was excited to play it. But as I went through the list of the games (and yes, I tried out all 50 of them) I started to notice a pattern...
The VAST majority of the games have black and/or female protagonists. And not just any female protagonists - UGLY female protagonists. ALL of them. Every last female looks straight out of a modern western game, rather than something you'd have seen in an 80s game. They all have ugly faces, and the majority of them have stocky builds and outfits that fully cover their entire bodies. And sure, there were female characters in the 80s like this, but lets be real, most of them had sexy figures. Even Samus, who was fully covered from head to toe was secretly a babe under her power suit. But there's NO female characters in FIFTY GAMES that look even remotely attractive.
And like I said, there's black people in a ton of the games, which again, was NOT something common in 80s video games. It would be fine if there's a handful of games with black characters, that's fully reasonable, but if you can pick from multiple characters in a game (and there's quite a few games in the collection like that) you can guarantee that at least 1 of them is black. EVERY TIME. Hell, there's a beat em up that has a black man AND a black woman as playable characters (to be fair, there's also a white man and white woman). Then there's an RPG that's supposed to be set in the old west and it lets you choose from a group of various different characters to be in your party, but sure enough, there's multiple black characters, an Asian character, and so on, even though it's supposed to be the American old west. It's a fully "diverse" cast. It just makes no sense given the setting.
Admittedly, some of the games are quite fun (though some completely suck too) but god damn, you can't help but notice this shit. It's so blatantly in your face.
Yeah I noticed this when I saw gameplay too. It has a ton of unnecessary diversity. It's a shame because I've heard the games are well developed, but like you can expect from many soyboy developers they want to virtue signal about how progressive they are. They always want to shave off the rough edges and make things more "wholesome" and it ends up looking like Steven Universe CalArts trash.