Thank you, this can't be said enough. I don't know why people (in general, not necessarily the guy you're responding to) seem to think that a divorce court judge hell bent of fucking you over is going to let a little thing like a contract stop him, especially when the whole premise of family court is that contracts are meaningless if they inconvenience a woman. The only prenups that get enforced are the ones that benefit the woman.
Thank you, this can't be said enough. I don't know why people (in general, not necessarily the guy you're responding to) seem to think that a divorce court judge hell bent of fucking you over is going to let a little thing like a contract stop him, especially when the whole premise of family court is that contracts are meaningless if they inconvenience a woman. The only prenups that get enforced are the ones that benefit the woman.
Wow, someone who remembers that marriage used to be a legal contract, don't see that very often.