DARK DAY: Federal Court sides with Trudeau censorship ruling against Rebel News https://www.rebelnews.com/federal_court_sides_with_trudeau_censorship_ruling
Four different news companies, each with the identical story. There’s at least a dozen.
It’s because they use a newswire.
But that’s the reason Trudeau’s censorship committee said we don’t make “original news” and thus aren’t real journalists. Stand by for more shortly.
Not targeting you for posting this, but I'm getting real sick and tired at this retarded notion that these people are just acting hypocritically and not blatantly in their own self interest. Wake up boomers, your country has been overtaken by commies who hate you and will contrive any possible reason to gain and wield power against you. They don't care if you think they're acting unfairly.
No! We shall take the high road and do nothing!!!!
Now imagine if the roles are reversed!