DARK DAY: Federal Court sides with Trudeau censorship ruling against Rebel News https://www.rebelnews.com/federal_court_sides_with_trudeau_censorship_ruling
Four different news companies, each with the identical story. There’s at least a dozen.
It’s because they use a newswire.
But that’s the reason Trudeau’s censorship committee said we don’t make “original news” and thus aren’t real journalists. Stand by for more shortly.
That's what you get for not having a proper constitution with a bill of rights. 1st and 2nd amendment, bitches!
4th, 5th and the 10th are quite nice to have too.
You think they care? Or that a piece of paper will help us?
They already stole one election, there's zero chance they won't steal this one too, and then you'll see a nightmare that'll make 2010s UK/Canada/Australia seem like 80s-90s America in comparison.