posted ago by RadiateTonight ago by RadiateTonight +111 / -0

Archive of deepfreezes article https://archive.ph/AArXb and I pulled this list from this old reddit post. https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2gsslk/is_there_a_list_of_all_the_gamers_are_dead/

[–]SuperflyD 17 points 9 years ago*

This doesn't have some of the newer stuff which is just more pointless circle-jerking. 'Gamers' don't have to be your audience. 'Gamers' are over. Exclusive[2] http://archive.today/l1kTW Leigh Alexander Gamasutra Aug 28, 10:00am

An awful week to care about video games[3] http://archive.today/rkvO8 Chris Plante Polygon Aug 28, 1:21pm

The death of the “gamers” and the women who “killed” them[4] https://archive.today/ZyLdw Casey Johnson Ars Technica Aug 28, 5:00pm

A Guide to Ending "Gamers"[5] http://archive.today/2t93l Devin Wilson Gamasutra Aug 28, 7:57 pm

We Might Be Witnessing The 'Death of An Identity'[6] https://archive.today/ht088 Luke Plunkett Kotaku Aug 28, 8:00pm

Gaming Is Leaving “Gamers” Behind[7] http://archive.today/jVqJ8 Joseph Bernstein Buzzfeed Aug 28, 8:29 pm

Sexism, Misogyny, and online attacks: It's a horrible time to consider yourself a gamer[8] https://archive.today/HkPHc Patrick O'Rourke Financial Post Aug 28, 9:33pm

It's Dangerous to Go Alone: Why Are Gamers So Angry?[9] http://archive.today/9NxHy Arthur Chu The Daily Beast Aug 28, time unknown

The End of Gamers[10] https://archive.today/L4vJG Dan Golding Tumblr Aug 28, time unknown

This guy's embarassing relationship drama is killing the 'gamer' identity[11] https://archive.today/L4n6p Mike Pearl Vice Aug 29, time unknown

Dr. Nerdlove https://archive.today/UwiC2# August 29, 2014

Eurogamer https://archive.today/CTpxW Dan Whitehead Saturday, 30 August 2014

Destructoid Blog https://archive.today/tIS6L Fenriff 12:09 PM on 08.28.2014

GamesONnet https://archive.today/oD3QV Tim Colwill August 29, 2014 1:37 pm

Gamespot https://archive.today/GWHD7 Emanuel Maiberg

Gamasutra https://archive.today/h78pg#selection-10.13-2948.5 September 1, 2014 Kris Ligman

The Week https://archive.today/bnWvI

The Guardian https://archive.today/DGj1S Jenn Frank Monday 1 September 2014

Gameranx https://archive.today/yomy2 Stephen Daly 3rd Sep, 2014

Gamasutra https://archive.today/W0Jha Tadhg Kelly 08/31/14 11:57:00 am

Destructoid https://archive.today/KXpV4 https://archive.today/VFYOb Jonathan Holmes 7:30 PM 08.31.2014

Rock, Paper, Shotgun https://archive.today/RXjWz Graham Smith September 1st, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Tumblr https://archive.today/CyAUk

Paste https://archive.today/x921m Garrett Martin September 4, 2014

THE INDEPENDENT https://archive.today/c6svO TOM MENDELSOHN Friday 5 September 2014

Vox https://archive.today/z4i22 Todd VanDerWerff September 6, 2014, 2:45 p.m. ET

Gamasutra https://archive.today/vT7vp Greg Costikyan on 09/07/14 12:55:00 am

Examiner https://archive.today/YRH03 Leo Reyna September 6, 2014

The Mary Sue https://archive.today/11OEl Victoria McNally Thursday August 28th 2014 1:30 pm

Uproxx https://archive.today/XBvF8 DAN SEITZ / 09.02.14

On the Media https://archive.today/K13nk Alex Goldman Friday, September 05, 2014 - 10:53 AM

ArsTechnica https://archive.today/SadEJ Casey Johnston - Sept 9 2014, 11:20pm MST

The New Yorker https://archive.today/nb14y SIMON PARKIN

Wired https://archive.today/LTFr9 10 SEPTEMBER 14 CASEY JOHNSTON Edit: Most of this is thanx to GameFAQs users in the threads still ongoing there.