posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +25 / -4


First of all I apologise, because I'm about to expose you all to weapons grade cringe but since things have calmed down ever so slightly I thought it would be a good idea to explain being a native Brit what exactly the average normie is constantly beaten over the head with in the media and at the dinner table.

Why am I even posting this? Well, this is what a right wing news organisation looks like and it's mostly an article filled with regurgitated points from the labour party and zero journalism. Tories are evil and let's blame the tories is the order of the day for the average Labour voter, every fucking time. This is exactly what I wanted though because with Labour in charge even a lot of British normies will be forced to confront the fact that the left are just as bad as the conservatives.

The best part is glancing through this article, it looks like Keir Starmer has plans to fuck over his own voter base and they're going to be told to like it, that's hilarious. Given not only taxes but electricity bills among other things are going up, nevermind all of the free speech issues over here it's becoming easier and easier for me to make my decision on a personal level.

I could probably throw a dart blindfolded at South America and be better off lol. By the way, I don't know how bad it is in the US, but here in the UK there's very real multi-generational brainwashing happening. There was a fairly infamous clip involving Jacob Rees Mogg and Jess Phillips where she pretty much admitted she was brought up to hate conservatives. It's not just the conservative party though the average labour voter is brainwashed into hating anything remotely right wing.

You guys think you have it bad in a left wing area in the US? Only Portland or Los Angeles could potentially rival the average labour voter and normies in terms of class snobbery and attitude towards anything right wing. Every opposition party when they get into power blames the previous government but these guys take it to a whole other level because they make it out like they've been genocided by Thatcher therefore nobody is allowed to complain about anything they do.

Yes I would rather deal with drug cartels and military coups than this.